Wednesday, 11 January 2012


You see. Gorgeous.
I'm delighted to introduce Channel 5's gorgeous weather girl Sian Welby to
That's Sian on the right.
Here, she shares her advice on all things weather and wedding, offers a personalised forecast and my favourite - invaluable advice on umbrellas.
Over to you Sian.

Right ladies, you can plan every last detail of your wedding, down to the colour of your Bridesmaid's knickers, but the one thing that is out of your hands is the weather.

The weather is a key part of your wedding day and something you need to think about.  I can't give you an exact weather forecast for the time, date and year of your big day.

If I could I'd be a millionaire, but I can try and give you some tips!!

Firstly, take any forecast more than five days ahead with a pinch of salt.  It may give you an inkling as to what might happen, but might is the key word here and the best detail is always in a two-three day forecast.

Secondly, expect the unexpected. If you got married in December 2010 you'd have had a winter wonderland, but as you know, if you got married December last year, it was probably warm enough to stay out all night without a coat. 

Sian doing her thing
So don't presume that you'll get rained on in April or that you'll get baking sunshine in July as you might get an unwanted surprise.

Remember, it's Great Britain we're talking about so if anything plan for rain. Don't let the weather ruin your day. Give yourself options. 

THINK HAIR! You don't want your lovely updo becoming a soggy mess, so if rain is looking inevitable, happy thoughts are useless at this point and you need to be practical.

Make sure you have a few umbrellas ready.  If you want to make a feature of your umbrella you could get it customised, 'Mr and Mrs' or colour matching your theme. Make it fun so you can look back and laugh, instead of cry.

Top tip, get a clear umbrella that covers your whole head and shields you from the wind, so you can see where your going, stay looking pristine and avoid the inside-out-umbrella-look.

Long range weather forecasts aren't very reliable, because all it takes is for the wind to change slightly and it's snow instead of sunshine.

However it can be just as important to look back at weather.  If you're an outdoorsey couple getting married in a field with a marquee, it may be glorious sunshine on your big day, but in the run up it could have been raining non stop, meaning cars will be stuck in the mud if they park on the field and heels will be sinking into the grass.

To avoid a mud related rescue mission for your Maid of honour, get your route to the venue planned, even if it means putting cardboard or wooden planks down on the grass so people can walk in easily, or if you really want a laugh and have the budget you could even get your bridal party matching rain macs or pink wellies. A great idea if it's a intimate wedding!

If you plan for the worst, nothing will spoil your day and remember girls, I'm here to help, Monday to Friday 3 times a day on channel 5 giving you your weekly forecast. My Facebook and Twitter links are below and  I'll be happy to give you a personal weather report for your area and if you want a funny personalised report doing for your big day, I'm sure something can be arranged.


Many thanks Sian. I owe you one of those Del Boy cocktails with an umbrella in it.
Martel x


  1. That happened to us. We got married in October and I anticipated a glittering indoors affair with mulled wine. On the day we all stood outside in sunshine with chilled champers.

  2. Bliss Ellen. The sun came out because it was you and Kevin. On the other side..a friend had a July wedding, hoped for sun and got a mini hurricane with driving rain. She says it made the wedding - they all huddled into the marquee and had a ball. And that's what she remembers. Weather shmether.

  3. Oh god, she's ridiculously gorgeous! Definitely made me think about getting a decent umbrella though - even though it's a May wedding xx
